torsdag 25. november 2010

Another great recommendation - wow, thank you a million!

Top qualities: Personable, Good Value, High Integrity
“Point of Interest Ltd develops mobile applications for the tourist industry. As co-founder and Chairman of the Board, I hired Gro Linn to facilitate a meeting with potential customers and investors. The aim was to establish new relationships and strengthen customers buy-in on our innovative software solution. Gro Linn was highly effective in organizing the meeting, maximizing the effect of her own network and utilizing her knowledge on social media as an introduction to our product presentation. The meeting was deemed as very successful in terms of valuable customer feedback and the fact that a new business relationship was established, which in turn led to our company’s first sale. I have also had the pleasure to work together with Gro Linn in other projects and have learned to know her as a professional, open-minded and competent advisor.” November 19, 2010

mandag 1. november 2010

A great recommendation from Nuevo Vehicles! Thank you :-)

“I am happy recommend Gro Linn and her work, actually I think that it is an honour. Her professionalism in her work regarding issues like ability to see quickly the whole picture in brand-building, marketing and sales was very impressive. She actually talked to my product and understood it.... and came back with what it wanted to say... : ) Taking those issues into how to present the core of the matter at hand and deliver straight to the point tools needed to succseed. She puts her heart into her work which makes the task at hand personal and pleasure to work on.” November 1, 2010
Ingolfur Hardarson, CEO, Nuevo Vehicles, Reykjavik, Icleland